Friday, January 16, 2009

Put some Holy in Your Spirit

Hi Ladies,
We will be meeting in just a few hours, but I have been thinking for a few days about consistency, discipline, and Oprah:).

I admit, for 2 weeks I have been an Oprah addict as she talked about balance in life and brought in experts on all kinds of things. Several days focused on health and weight loss, I encourage you to visit her site and see the days of Bob Greene and Dr. Oz for the health stuff. But, the spiritual discussions she had (2 days of them) made me uncomfortable. I touched on it last week, and when she had another episode this week on spirituality I uncomfortably watched and tried to sort through exactly what upset me.

I think there was a lot that was right about what was said. They talked about being quiet so you can hear (your) spirit (where I would say do the same practice to hear THE Spirit). They talked about how living for and understanding that there is something bigger than yourself will help you get through tough times. They talked about being put on this earth for a deeper purpose and being spiritual will help you discover that purpose. They talked about finding people of like spirituality as you (like a church) because there are power in #'s. So what was wrong?

Well, there was no Holy in their Spirit. There was talk about your spirit, being in tune with nature, being more spiritual...some references to God (sometimes) as some references to religion (very generically), but no Holy Spirit, and definately no Jesus (though they did quote the Bible once). I was a little worried, a little sad that such an influencial person (Oprah) didn't speak of Jesus. Then in the middle of my thinking I remembered when Jesus didn't really get upset at false teachers, he was just happy that something was being said, that some talk was happening. Because it would get people interested and seeking. That brought me comfort. I am not saying it's okay, but I do think people will start looking into "Spirituality" as a result of those shows, and hopefully some poeple, no, hopefully a lot of people, will find the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and the Father in that search.

So, there are my thoughts on that:).

On a not-as-deep thought I wanted to say that it's been a rough week. Two bad things have snuck into my habits...lots of soda, and snacking a lot at night. I have been tired and have used that as an excuse for both things. It's funny how as you focus on one part of your diet and life other bad things sneak back in. Balancing it all out will have to be part of my balance goal I guess:).

Friday, January 9, 2009

On-line diet tracker

Hello Ladies,
Day 5 of freedom...
I spent some time today looking at Cathy's papers. I just wanted to add a thought about the pages for documenting the journey. We could also do them electronically. I looked into the Livestrong website we were talking about a few weeks back. I did belong to one of these web sites before (but I had to pay for it, so I quit) They are really cool if you log everything. I have attached the link if you want to join.

See you Saturday

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Hi Ladies,
Hope you are doing well this week. I am surviving, mostly:). I have had trouble with breastfeeding pain this week but went to the doctor today and hope that it will get better now. Mason is running a temperature too, but doesn't seem to be real sick so please pray that it is nothing serious.

Have you read through the packet that Cathy gave last week? I have read it during one of my baths (i.e. time to myself thanks to my wonderful husband!) this week and have prayfully considered the three goals that I have.

One that I have is to live a more balanced life...I know, I's a "bad" goal because it isn't specific and measurable. Also, I want to say I made the goal before I watched Oprah this week:). However, despite the fact that it is a "bad" goal, the more I prayed about it and thought about it I just couldn't change it. There are a lot of things that I feel is out of balance, small things (fold the dang laundry!) and big things (spending quality time with the Lord) my goal is to spend my maternity leave working on balancing life and my daily time.

I encourage you to take your goals seriously and have them set by this Saturday. You are worth it!